You Are Not Alone

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One of the most difficult things we face as women, is the feeling of being alone and left out.

Feeling alone - as in, feeling like nobody understands us, nobody gets us. Feeling like no one can ever see what we see with our own eyes, hear what we hear between our ears and feel what we feel deep inside.

Feeling left out - as in, no one cares enough to really put us first, or part of their top priority... even when we really need it.

Sometimes, we read books, newsletters, posts. We even talk to friends or family, listen to podcasts and still... we feel that not one person gets us.

We feel, we have to fend for our lives, our sanity all by ourselves.

We put the weight of the world on our shoulders, hoping, praying, that maybe one day, we'll be seen, heard and understood... genuinely. 

And sometimes, this can feel like it's a never ending spiral. 

So today, wherever you are in the world or in your season of life. No matter what you are experiencing, give yourself grace. Lots of grace. Giving ourselves grace can open doors of calmness, confidence and empowerment. You've got your own back. Trust that. 

By giving yourself grace, you empower yourself. You build a foundation of love, so strong that next time you feel alone again, you will have the power to overcome that feeling better and faster, even if it's just 1%. And it will grow.

Show yourself compassion, not criticism. 

Show yourself love, not pity.

Show yourself gratitude, not I wish, I should's, if only's or what ifs. 

Show yourself grace, not punishment.

Show yourself encouragement, not despair.

Today, there is no giving up. Today, there is lifting up. And it is up to us to keep lifting ourselves back up. Because we are our own biggest cheerleader. We matter.  

The hardest part is when you truly realize that no one will ever be able to be in your shoes 100%. You cannot expect others to put us first, even if you put them first. You cannot expect people to understand us fully even when you try to understand them fully.

The most beautiful part is that when you know that you cannot rely on others and you can only rely on yourself.... you actually get to take full control of YOU, your decisions and your life. And if you can see this as a privilege, a form of freedom, your life can take a beautiful turn.

Learn to trust yourself, validate yourself, believe in yourself. By showing yourself grace, you begin to do that. You learn to rely on yourselves... without carrying the entire world on your shoulders. You start to feel lighter.

Have a Bubbly Day.



  • This struck a chord in me as I was dwelling in some thoughts of “should have’s and could have’s “ lately.
    This is officially reminding me to give myself grace & permission to look forward again.

    Much appreciated with much love 💜

  • Thank you for this, I needed this right now 🥺🫶🏻

  • What a beautiful message! Thank you for putting into words what I feel so many of us women experience. Your words will have a profound influence on those who find your message

    Jenny Willis
  • What a beautiful message! You have spoken and put into words what I feel is in so many our hearts. Thank you for your beautiful, uplifting, words

    Jenny Willis

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